
Real Quick

I'm making a prediction on the Mike Vick plea agreement now because I know I will not have time on Monday morning to do this. I feel almost certain that he's going to get a "Lindsay Lohan" type plea agreement. Not so much a "Nicole Richie" type agreement because that bitch was only in jail for 82 minutes. Isn't Lindsay doing like 3 days? Someone may need to correct me on that one.

According to an article on espn.com, Vick is not pleading guilty to actually killing any dogs or gambling. He admits he was around for all of that but didn't participate. In the words of Dr. Evil: Rrrrrright.

The bottome line? He's going to get a light sentence in my humble opinion. UGH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we might see Mikey again around 2010, but probably not as a quarterback and definitely not as a Falcon. He'll be somebody's punt returner or wideout.