
Final Four Is Set..

...As you know, the Final Four is set and for the first time in history all the number 1 seeds made it to the Final Four! To the yahoos who gave your Chica shit for picking all number 1 seeds in one of my picks: HA!

Here it is:

(1) Memphis vs (1) UCLA
(1) UNC vs (1) Kansas

Remember, this is what I picked and my championship game is: Memphis vs Kansas.

I'm pretty certain Memphis can take UCLA but I now have my doubts about Kansas upsetting UNC; I don't think it's going to happen. If it does, I win my pool! Cheer for La Chica!


Mongo Pusher said...

Chica...I'll bet you five imaginary, internet dollars on the Memphis/UCLA game. I need the Bruins to win.

SportsChica said...

Since we're betting imaginary dollars, let's make it a lot more!

Bet is on! Go Tigers!

Anonymous said...

Go Lady Volunteers!

Mongo Pusher said...

I bow to La Chica's prognosticating prowess! Don't spend all the money in one place :) I'm thinking Memphis on monday.

Mongo Pusher said...
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SportsChica said...

Mongo Pusher,
Let's put it this way, I do not even need KU to win tonight to win my pool!