
What The......

....hell is going on with the Atlanta Thrashers? I mean we (Atlantans) have waited for 8 years to make a playoff and then we can't even win a game?? Geez. I know it's false hope to think that we'll win the series, but can we at least not get swept?

Wake up Thrashers, you're in the playoffs FREAKS!

Again, look for La Chica at the Tour de Georgia circuit race on Sunday afternoon in Centennial Park.

Ciao for now.


Anonymous said...

How many Thrasher games have you gone to during those seven years?

SportsChica said...

What is your deal? I've been to a few Thrashers games over the years. In fact, I used to go a lot when they first opened up in Atlanta. I used to also go to a lot of Atlanta Knights games back in the day so back the F off!