Once again, here's my stream of consiousness while watching football this past weekend.
You've got to love the twins' names who play for the South Carolina Gamecocks: Casper and Jasper Brinkley. 'Nuff said!
Staying with the Auburn/Carolina game, how many articles of clothing was Tommy Tuberville wearing? I counted 2 shirts plus a sweater vest (yep, I counted). Was it that cold in Columbia or did Tommy raid Jim Tressel's closet?
There are 3 ESPN commercials that are played during the games that I think are hilarious and don't mind watching:
1) the ESPN credit card one with the wife and the wardrobe
2) the "College Football Lives Here" segments
3) the "Briscoe High School" ones with Don Shula, Jimmy Johnson and Lee Corso as the school mascot
This is unrelated to sports but it made me laugh out loud Thursday night while flipping between the Auburn/Carolina game and My Name Is Earl. If you watch the show then all I have to say is: "Buttbag, you know, it's a bag of butts". HA!
What do you guys think about Erin Andrews? I think she's okay but I liked Jill Arrington better and speaking of Jill, where the hell is she? She disappeared from college football faster than Ole Miss' lead against Georgia.
Does anyone else think that Friday Night Football is weird? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy there's a game to watch but it's just weird! For one, I've never heard of the game analysts or the on-field girl, Tina Dixon (who's that?). Plus, Tina may need to fire her hair stylist.....I'm just saying. I will say this, the Friday night game between Rutgers and S. Florida was a fun one.
Virginia Tech coach, Frank Beamer, has decided that he is going to punish each one of his players who commits a flagrant foul by charging him $100 per incident. Here's what I want to know, how much are Va Tech's players getting paid in Blacksburg??? Okay seriously, he's taking the money away from their per diem for the bowl game, but still, how much does each player receive?
Can ya give la Sportschica a little credit for picking Georgia Tech over Virginia Tech???!!! Where is the "anonymous" comment monger who gave me grief for miscalculating the Auburn margin of victory over South Carolina? Oh right, he's too busy dogging every other team's schedule except for Florida's.
I will admit UF has a tough schedule this year, but quit your bitching and until your team has won more than 1 national championship in 100 years, I don't care what you have to say. How's that for a "rebut"? Which reminds me, it's my blog, asshole, and I can "rebut" anything I want!!!!
Just how old is Joe Gibbs???
Who called the 2 point conversion play made by the Miami Dolphins yesterday? Sheesh, is every team in Miami doomed this year with a horrible offense? Nick Saban should be bitch slapped for allowing that play to be run. And he should also receive a beat down for passing on Drew Brees for Daunte Culpepper. Culpepper SUCKS!
Speaking of beat downs, did everyone see the Tennesse player who stepped (with his cleats) on the Dallas Cowboy? For those of you who did not see it, Tennessee Titan, Albert Haynesworth, deliberately stepped on Dallas' Andre Gurode's face during the game yesterday. Check it out here: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2609563
In la Sportschica's humble opinion, that jackass should be kicked out of football.
Chin straps have gotten looser and looser over the last couple of years. You used to never see a hat pop off.
This is what I say "That bitch with the gash in his head will tighten his chinstrap now". Call me heartless but "I'm just sayin"
My wife is out of town all week so this is from her. "I heart Brady Quinn"
Howdy SportsChica!
Been on the road for a while but got the news about your blog from some workmates and wanted to add a thought or two...
1. Speaking of humourous SC player names, how about the 'Cocks placekicker, Brandon Succop?(pronounced "suck up"). Maybe he's the reason Spurrier walks funny.
2. Erin Andrews is O.K. Jill Arrington is MUCH better, but nobody holds a candle to SAM RYAN of MNF. (do the google image search now) She ain't blond and she ain't 23, but she puts the starch in Mr. Drill's shorts.
3 Is it Cox or Stafford at UGA? I never thought I'd say this but, I miss Joe T III. Can we get a big 'ole reality check in that locker room before Tennessee comes marching? Defense wins games but offense gets you the spread and right now I wouldn't be surprised if Smokey was favoured over Hairy Dogg this weekend.
4. Lastly, can LSU beat the Gators next week? I don't think so. I think The Urbanator has put it all together this year and only Auburn will have a chance of toppling them. What are the odds that another unbeaten SEC team gets locked out of the National Title Game?
"SportsChica" is going to become Just "SomeChica" if she keeps talking about what coaches are wearing, and commentators' hair styles.
Yeah I know, it's YOUR blog, you can do what you want... quit being such a girl.
Finish The Drill, Florida does look good this year but LSU will not go down w/o a fight. If this game were Baton Rouge, I would pick LSU but it's in the swamp so I'm going with UF.
Fashionista, apparently, you haven't read my blogs in their entirety. And YES, I can write about whatever I want, I'm glad I have your approval on that!! Why don't you start your own blog and stay off mine if it bothers you so much.
You are such a sassy Chica!
Well, I have a pick of the week, Soldiers:
LSU over FL... because my favorite color is purple, and my heart still bleeds for those poor poor Louisiana folks.
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