I love it! I love the fact that you guys are posting comments and just being downright nasty to each other! It makes la Sportschica smile and laugh! My turn now.
Okay, so Auburn didn't win big against Carolina but they did win, right? For the "anonymous" poster who questions my ability to pick a game winner, that's the nature of college football. This is why we love it so much; one never knows what's going to happen. If my prognostications were dead on for each game, I'd be in Vegas right now.
Also, what's up with all the anonymous commentators??? You come on the site, make judgements and sometimes write some incredibly idiotic comments (I'm referring to the freak who wrote the comment about my T.O. blog) but you hide. What's that about? Come on, show your face!
And to the anonymous poster who wrote the T.O. comment, obviously you didn't understand what I wrote. I can't help it if you're an idiot. Stay off my blog.
I love this shit! Wait, can I say shit on here?
Hello my name is Neal. I enjoy long walks on the beach and eating cheese dip with my hands.
I work from home and own my own company so if you post about me or to me I will bring the heat.
For the record "my team" is UGA. This is just because my wife is a huge UGA fan. Having said that we are both very realistic in our teams weaknesses.
Oh yeah I know I can't spell, use awful grammer and that I am a racist. So there!
UGA grad coming at ya again. In typical fashion, i forgot my blogger identity and password. But IT WAS clever. It's not that I am ashamed but you know who I am. Why don't u blog about who is a hottie and who is nottie:)
Yeah- I found myself. Uh I mean my identity! Sportschica-why didn't you make a pick in the BYU-TCU (or was it TT)game? The BYU players are elated at finally having beaten a ranked team and that is not something that has happened in this millenium. I guess the players went home and celebrated with all of their kids
Chica: My anonymity is bothering you because you want control, and you want to know who is messing with you, and your crappy Canes.
OK, fine, I am a dwarf Gator fan now working on the Trans-Siberian railroad. I get Wifi at every stop here in my country. My favorite food is Potato Pirozhki with cabbage, topped with fried Ibis.
Houston by 10.
Here we go again with the "world is ending" media hype again. It always starts about this time, only five weeks into a season. Auburn is sunk and the apocalypse is upon us. Geez folks, quit reading Tony Barn-yard and his annual nonsense. One close game does not mean Auburn is weak or should drop a spot in the rankings. Just because SoCar sucks doesn't mean they can't come up with a close game against a good team. The season is a marathon and ANY teams road to the Fiesta Bowl is UNDOUBTEDLY going to involve a few close calls. I understand it because my Bucks endured numerous close calls in '02. The true champions know how to win close games. Don't be surprised if AU comes back next week and blows out Arkansas.
BTW, I am extremely scared about my game in Iowa City tonight. Iowa is building this up as the Super Bowl. Here's one edge to watch in the game. Drew Tate is a hot head and a moron. In last years OSU blowout in Columbus, OSU kept hitting and sacking him. By the end of the 3rd, he'd had enough of his O-line serving him up and spiked the ball after another sack. He got a penalty. The OSU defense had taken him out of his game from the start. Last week against Illinois, on only Iowa's second offensive series, he came flying across the field well after the whistle to get in on a tussle between his wide receiver and a D-back. After they failed on the next third down, he elbowed an Illinois player for no reason as he left the field. He's a white Reggie Ball. I'm hoping our D coaches have it in their game plan to go after Tate and get him PO'd early. Hit him early, hit often. He'll wilt.
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