
Get Off Lance
Most people do not realize this (and don't care) but la Sportschica is a huge cycling fan. Even though I lack the coordination needed to be a good cyclist, I love it. My favorite guy in the sport is, of course, Lance Armstrong. I admire his resiliency and respect his physical ability.

In my humble opinion, racing in the Tour de France is the toughest sports achievement. To win it once is praiseworthy, to win it seven times is amazing. Therefore, it bothers me when the media is still accusing him of doping.

The latest is from a NY Times article in which 2 of Lance's former teammates admitted to doping during the 1999 tour. Lance won his first Tour de France in 1999.

Let me clear the air in case you care, I hate the NY Times! Aren't they the ones who keep leaking CIA secrets or something? Anyway, that's a whole other blog and we're not going there.

Back to Lance, he's never tested positive for any drugs. He was randomly tested time and time again at races, at his hotel, at airports, etc. and not one test came up positive. So until that happens, I got your back Lance!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you wrote about it I am going to say it....

He lost his ball due to his drug use!

There I know lots of you think it but I put it down here. He has one good ball because of the fact that he wanted to be a top bike ridder. I don't care if he drinks heroin in his coffee. But I do ask that you get of my TV now that you have retired for the umpteen time.