
The Vick Stupidity Continues

This is kind of late since it happened last night but your Chica has to earn a living with her day job. As most of you know, last night ESPN held a "town hall meeting" in Atlanta to discuss the Michael Vick dog fighting case. Honestly, I didn't watch the whole thing because I could only stomach about 5 minutes of it.

It consisted of moronic Vick supporters trying their best to make it into a race issue. They actually booed one of the Humane Society's representatives. Someone who devotes his life to the welfare of animals was booed while the Atlanta idiots support a guy who pleaded guilty to killing innocent animals. Unbelievable. Let me write that again: Vick pleaded guilty to killing animals and funding a dog fighting ring. I know his supporters are mentally incompetent but any imbecile can understand that he admitted his guilt, right? One would think.

I grew up in Atlanta and I know that the majority of its citizens do not feel the way our city was represented last night on ESPN. However, it scares me to think that the rest of the country who may have watched the program might think that those people are a true representation of how the whole city thinks and speaks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, Chica.

I too live in Atlanta and it's embarassing as hell.