
Go Canes!

I don't usually post on Fridays unless I'm really pissed off about something or really happy. In the immortal words of Long Duck Dong from Sixteen Candles: "I'm so hoppy".

I'm thrilled to say that I was wrong about my Canes. I don't know who that team was last night wearing orange and green but it was fantastic. Where has that offense been for the last 3 years? Kyle Wright? Maybe it took him losing the starting job to finally start playing like he did in high school? Whatever it is, I don't care. Let's just keep it going and not lose against powder puff Duke and UNC! I'm so proud of my team. Well done, boys!

Off Topic: my apologies to my Gator peeps, as one of my posters pointed out, your Chica made a mistake in writing that the Gators played their first 4 games at home this season. As it turns out, they only play their first 3 at home. By the by, it doesn't really change my opinion as that is still ridiculous but thanks for pointing it out. La Chica does not want to post wrong information.

I'm off; enjoy the weekend and Go Canes!


Doug E said...

Maybe I'm missing your point about the Gators first 3 games at home. Auburn's 1st 4 are at home, Alabama's 1st 3 are at home. And (drum roll please) the 1st five games for the Canes, only one is away! Yikes! Don't you think that's ridiculous mi chica?

Anonymous said...

Comment moderation is very Castro-esqe. Turn it off! Go with the flow!

Gee, I hope Chica "approves" my comments!

SportsChica said...

2 things:

Comment moderation is on b/c there were some "anonymous" people posting some nasty things. It's a blog and I welcome all commentary but not when it's insulting or degrading.

At least UM went into a hostile environment the 2nd week of the season and played a top 5 (now #3) team away! Who were your first 3 opponents?

SportsChica said...

By the way Doug E.,
Welcome back to the blog. Where have ya been?

You should be talking a lot of smack since your boys are riding high.

Doug E said...

My Chica,
Thanks and it's good to be back. I like to talk a little smack becuase it's fun and also let's face it, we're a pretty doggone good football team. You know me, I love my Gators. I'll save basketball for another time.
Hey Chica if this was my blog I wouldn't even respond to anyone who posted anonymously. Obviously he/she is too cowardly to say who they are and quite frankly don't merit a response from somebody of your calibre. I'm just sayin.
Go Gators and "don't taze me bro"!

Doug E said...

Yes it's true our first 2 games were easy, W KY &Troy But hey that's nothing new, we always start our seasons with a tip-toe thru the tulips. But you have to admit the rest of the season get's a bit tougher well with the exception of when we play UGA.
Don't taze me bro.

SportsChica said...

Doug E.
You crack me up!

I know your schedule is difficult going down the stretch but I have to give a hard time about your September. Michigan plays 4 home games in September and they can't even win those!

I'm going to lay off Michigan for a bit; I've really been dogging them but it's fun and they deserve it this year!

Anonymous said...

Get a room Doug E and Sportschica!!!! The kind banter is making Dawg Diva want to hurl:)

Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

I just read this, and it cracked me up, so I had to share:



Anonymous said...

You gotta love a website that quotes Long Duck Dong!