......with fat athletes????
This is a subject that has been bothering your Chica for some time now. I mean, it's one thing for a golfer to be fat as hell but a baseball player? And I'm not giving golfers a break on this one. Any "sport" that allows you to smoke a ciggy while you're participating is not a sport (read: John Daly). Tiger Woods is the only golfer that I consider an athlete.
However, let's be real, baseball players should not have beer guts and fat asses. I was watching my beloved Braves last night (suck) against the Reds and I couldn't help but notice the fatness on both sides of the ball; and another point, the majority of these guys are young.
I love watching sports for many reasons; pure enjoyment is the main one and the other, I'm not going to lie: it's eye candy a lot of the time (especially soccer, just sayin'). Lately, however, baseball has been grossing me out. I'm not going to name names but I will give you the positions that are the most to blame for this unpleasantness: relief pitchers and catchers!!! See picture.
This is a subject that has been bothering your Chica for some time now. I mean, it's one thing for a golfer to be fat as hell but a baseball player? And I'm not giving golfers a break on this one. Any "sport" that allows you to smoke a ciggy while you're participating is not a sport (read: John Daly). Tiger Woods is the only golfer that I consider an athlete.
However, let's be real, baseball players should not have beer guts and fat asses. I was watching my beloved Braves last night (suck) against the Reds and I couldn't help but notice the fatness on both sides of the ball; and another point, the majority of these guys are young.
I love watching sports for many reasons; pure enjoyment is the main one and the other, I'm not going to lie: it's eye candy a lot of the time (especially soccer, just sayin'). Lately, however, baseball has been grossing me out. I'm not going to name names but I will give you the positions that are the most to blame for this unpleasantness: relief pitchers and catchers!!! See picture.
If I played a game everyday for 10 months I would be in shape just based on walking to the feild everyday. So these dudes must be eating a ton of chicken wings to maintain the gurth they have. I'm just sayin....
I also don't consider Baseball a sport, I know lots of people that play softball that can't run a mile without an EMT and these people could go out and make the professional baseball teams...IMO
flame on peeps
Baseball certainly is a sport!
First off, why are people still leaving comments as "anonymous"? Even so, I agree with the anonymous poster. Neal knows not what he speaks of on this subject. I do agree with him on a couple of things though: I too have seen overweight softball players who cannot run a mile and wonder about them.
Also, with the weight of a lot of the professional ball players increasing, is it taking away from the level of their play? Maybe the reason Andruw Jones is struggling this year is because his ass has gotten really huge? Just sayin'!
You look like you could lose a few yourself! Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house!
Dear anonymous #2,
Why don't you come on with your real name instead of hiding??
You're probably a really fatass and this post offended you.
I think you are a cutie!
Pay no mind to the obvious FAT poster because you probably did offend him or her. Who cares?
Heard the team is looking at Jenny Craig to be one of next years sponsors.
La Chica is muy caliente.
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