
College Basketball

Stay tuned for college basketball write ups coming soon.

By the way, did anyone see the Wisconsin/Ohio State game yesterday? Great game. Too bad the Badgers couldn't pull off the win.

Also, what about the Atlanta Thrashers?? They were doing so well but have now lost 8 out of 11 games! Dang.


Anonymous said...

Why are you always dogging Ohio State?

Don't worry, you and the other OSU haters will get your way very early in the tournament, as we will be making a very early exit. At least we didn't finish at the bottom of our conference, like someone I know, not mentioning any names, but their name begins with the letter MIAMI.

How about poll on whether the Duke players hit yesterday was intentional or not?

SportsChica said...

Trigeek, when are you going to finally realize that I hate Ohio State?! And I honestly don't care that Miami finished last in its conference! Shocker? Hail no.

Also, my alma mater Georgia State sucks in basketball too.

And for the record, I hate Duke too! And that kid totally hit the UNC guy on purpose but since it's Duke he can get away with it. I'm so over this bullshit, had that been a Miami player in that incident, ESPN would call for the Miami basketball program to dissolve.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you hate Ohio State. I think you are trying to overcome your insatiable lust for Anthony Gonzalez and the only way you think you can accomplish that is to project feigned hatred toward the entire program. I tell ya, this is going to lead to health problems on your part. High blood pressure, aching joints and ligaments, headaches, depression, lack of sex drive. You need to just give in, admit your love for Anthony, pray that he gets drafted by the Falcons, then stalk him. No one will blame you. We only want what's best for you.

SportsChica said...

Actually, I don't mind Gonzalez because he's Cuban. I don't think he's cute though, but he's one of my peeps so....I'll accept him.

Anonymous said...

Au Contraire, Mon Chicalicious!

The Thrashers have won 6 out of 8 and reclaimed the lead in the Southeast over former NHL champ Tampa Bay.

Look for them to go to their first post-season and who knows what after that!

SportsChica said...

Finish the Drill,
At the time this particular blog was written, the Thrashers had lost 8 out of 11.

I'm glad they're back on track, I would love to see them make the playoffs. 'Bout damn time!