
Picks and Stuff
This week brings us some good games, a lot of them would be better if all teams involved were ranked, as expected, but life doesn't usually go as planned.

Speaking of expectations, La Chica is getting A LOT of smack from some of you regarding my picks not panning out. Here's what I have to say to these critics: did you all just start watching college football this year? If the answer is "yes" then I understand you questioning my prognostications because you really don't know what you're talking about. If the answer is "no" then I'd like to see your picks and check out how you do week in and week out, FREAKS!

#3 Louisville vs #15 Rutgers - I'm so sick of hearing about Louisville and how "they deserve to be in the BCS championship game". Hey Cardinals, before you start pulling what will forever be known as a "Tommy Tuberville", how about winning out first. Louisville wins this game.

Georgia vs #5 Auburn - Interestingly, the winner of this game is usually the visiting team, however, the Dawgs stink this year so I don't see them going into Jordan-Hare and beating the Tigers. Auburn wins at home.

South Carolina vs #6 Florida - Why is your Chica posting this game you ask? Well, as I've stated in many previous blogs, my Florida friends are scared to death of Steve Spurrier. And because of this intimidation factor, they feel that Spurrier and his Cocks always have a shot regardless of rankings and so forth. They might have a point but I don't see it this year. The game is in Gainesville and Florida is a better team this year than last. However, if the Gator kicker does not become more consistent and start to make field goals AND extra points, the Cocks could get close but Florida still prevails.

#13 Tennessee vs #11 Arkansas - This is one of the good ones this weekend. I think Arkansas has an excellent shot at winning this game. The Vols lost a heartbreaker at home last week which, in my opinion, gives the Razorbacks a slight edge. This is one of those toss-up games that can go either way but I'm going with Arkansas at home.

Miami vs #25 Maryland - Once again, the Canes are on national television even though they've not been ranked since the 3rd week of the season. The hypocrisy of ESPN/ABC continues except this week it's a grieving Hurricane team. My head says to pick Maryland especially since the Canes are stinking but even more so because Miami has a ton of starters hurt and not playing. However, given this week's tragic events in South Florida, I'm going with my heart and picking my Canes. It's just football and it really doesn't mean a darn thing but GO CANES for #95!


Anonymous said...

OK Sportschica I will pick my teams based on your games listed:

Rutgers plays up and beats Louisville: Louisville is a fat kid at a buffet, eyes too big for their stomach.

Auburn beats UGA but I think UGA MIGHT actually show up and play a good game. Optimism is something new for me so give me a break on this.

South Carolina beats Florida because I think UF knows they are outta of the big show and will just give up. But don't get me wrong it will be a good game but no amount of Jorts and braided belts can stop the Spur.

Arkansas beats Tennessee (sorry Kevin) but I am going to go with the most scrappy team. And we know that Arkansas has less teeth per capita than the Vol state.

Miami shows up and beats a "ranked" team.... Now only if a player a week would die and they would have the crystal football at the end of the season....

...Don't give me crap about being heartless when you know I was heartless before you started reading this post.

Doug E said...

Actually here's the question I'm asking; why do you have picks for Georgia/Auburn? You really went out on a limb on that one I must say.
As far as the Gator Nation loving Steve Spurier. For starters he's a Gator alumnus. Most college allumni tend to stick together.
6 SEC titles,National Championship, no small feat. I could go on but bottom line he is a great coach. You know it, I know it and the rest of America knows it. Now, you tell me what university would turn him away if he came knocking on the door for a job...oh I know UF would and they did. Oh well.
I met the old ball coach when I was in school, he was walking past me in the O'connel center, and he said "hi son" and I said "hi coach".
Does it get any better than that?
Go Gators

SportsChica said...

Doug E,
I understand your love for Spurrier but it still does not affect nor matter to me. I have said from the get go that I respect his COLLEGE coaching abilities but I'm not bending over for his accomplishments at Carolina. It's his 2nd year and he's still not winning like he should for "who" you guys think he is.

Another thing he never did, beat Miami! Oh snap!

Anonymous said...

where are your picks old doug?

Anonymous said...

Well since Doug was bragging dawg diva can't resist sharing that when she was 11 she met Vince Dooley. And he told my parents what a beautiful child I was....yeah he said that to every chickadee. Does it matter that Bobby Bowden said the same thing around that age??? Nah..

Time has certainly passed but dawg diva likes auburn in a closey because uga will turn it over at least 5 times and that is if things are going well.

The dorks at UF will be chanting T-Blow! T-Blow and spazoid will come bouncing out of the field. Maybe one of his own dudes will pop him once just for kicks.

And the Hogs put the kibash on Rocky Top.....

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot la Chica-

I think Louisville wins but I love rutgers running back's name. Raymel Rice. Says supah stah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Listen to the disgruntled Dawgdiva, lashing out... all the while... losing to the likes of Vandy and KY. Gator hating, sad, and pissed/bitter that her team sucks - HA!

But I remember so clearly... the mangy leg humpers talked shit ALLLLLLLLL pre-season ... oh we are gonna be this and that - this season... and we're gonna whoop allll ya'llll this cumin year... blah blah blah...


Oh, regarding the SC response to DougE:
Dude, she is just making a futile attempt to camoflauge the U's completely miserable season, (that she soooo looked forward to since January) and make it all seem tolerable and hope for a miraculous turnaround NEXT YEAR.

Anonymous said...

What site have I happend upon. ......... Thought I was picking tile for a mediterranian kitchen. Oh well. Go college futball.........

Anonymous said...

Shazaam! Devo must be illiterate and deaf as I never said "uga" was gonna be all anything. Oh yeah, a UF fan....I am surprised they have won as many games as they have. And btw, I am not one of those UGA peeps who always says "wait until next year" Whatevah! UF has UGA's number and gets them pretty much every year. I am a realist not an idiot But....

T-blow acts like an idiot when he comes bounding out out on the field. Home boy better not try that IF he gets to the NFL cause those guys don't mess around. Ah, he will probably go the way of Danny Wuerfel.......I bet la Chica agrees

Anonymous said...

I read that the vast majority of UF students are Britney Spears fans. They think she is hot and classy. That explains a lot

SportsChica said...

Dawg Diva,
Don't listen to Devo, he is an idiot! And he sometimes uses his puppet, SG to write even more idiotic comments on here.

He also cheers for about 12 other teams so "he's always winning", I lost respect for him on that a long time ago.

And btw, Devo, yes I was looking forward to the season since January but not because I thought my beloved Canes were going to win it all, I knew that wasn't going to happen. I was just looking forward to college football, not that you would understand.

Yes, it's a down year but everyone has them, remember when one of your 20 teams had Zook for a head coach? How soon you forget but it must be difficult to keep up with ALL OF YOUR FUCKING TEAMS.

Another thing to remember: 5 national championships in less than 20 years of domination so I think sucky year every now and then is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

SC -

I have a novel idea. Why don't you list YOUR PICK as the team that, in actuality, you think is going to lose the game. Then you might start getting some picks right. How 'bout those Cards?

Oh, and I wasn't even aware that UGA had a team.....I thought they where just bringing the team from Athens Technical College to play for them.

All I can say about this weekend is THANK GOD there isn't a friggin' NOTRE DAME HOME GAME and I don't have to deal with all of those IRISH IDIOTS.

I tell you what I do LOVE about college football though....

ANNOUNCER GUY: "And starting at tailback, 11th Year Senior Billy Bob Joe Smith......." ;)

Anonymous said...

I like the 11th year seniors too. Especially when they pan to the stands to show you his wife and 4 kids.........Watch thode BYU games and u see lotso wives and kids

SportsChica said...

Agree with you on your points:

1) the rushing the field BS is just that; I can't stand seeing fans do this and you're right, it is always a low tier program's fans who do it.

2) Touche on the OSU and Michigan games last week. The only thing is Illinois is in the Big 10 so OSU has to play them. As for Michigan playing Ball State in November, that deserves the same crap I talked about AU playing ASU (that's Arkansas State).

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those Athens Technical boys sure did come out and surprise AU.....

About the only exciting game I watched on Saturday was the Tex/KSU game....